Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear members of the Czech Society of Cardiology,
At its meeting on June 21, 2022, the CSC Committee approved the transformation of the Czech Cardiology Days into the "Czech Cardiovascular Research and Innovation Day 2022", a conference exclusively dedicated to cardiovascular research and results of original research.
It should be a conference with international participation, the conference language will be English and the abstracts will be published in Cor et Vasa.
The venue will be Prague, and it is planned for November 28-29 (the congress centre and how long the conference will take - probably one day only - will be specified in dependence on the number of active participants during August).
The expected deadline for abstracts is September 30, 2022.
We believe the new form of the conference will lead to direct support of Czech cardiovascular research, establishment of collaborations and, last but not least, presentation and visibility of Czech research work.