Amount of membership fees

Since 2025, the membership fee is 1200 CZK (48 EUR), for members to age 35, nurses and pensioners (retired members) is 500 CZK (20 EUR).

Bank details for sending contributions is:
Československá obchodní banka, a. s. (ČSOB), bank account number: 276704332/0300, variable symbol please include your membership number, which you will find after logging into the online system or are available on request by phone or e-mail.

A membership fee is remitted to members of CSC who are on maternity/parental leave. You must apply for a remitment in written form at  and send a confirmation of a maternity/parental leave (for each year when it is up to date).

Use for payments from abroad in euros:
bank account number:131-2321960247/0100, Komerční banka, a.s.
IBAN: CZ65 0100 0001 3123 2196 0247

Membership application can be submitted by logging into the online system - see information "My Account".

Cancel your membership in possible in writing form by email or by post to the CSC.