Abstract Submission + information about active participation

Abstracts can only be entered using the online registration system - Your account,
until January 10, 2019.

CSC members will enter the abstracts using their member accounts; the others will use the accounts they have created; those entering for the first time will choose "New account - individual". 

In case of any doubt, please contact the CSC secretariat (tel. 543 213 825, e-mail: cks@kardio-cz.cz).


When entering the abstracts, follow the instructions in the form; for a standard abstract, fill in the field of topic and the type of presentation (oral, poster), or if you want to enlist the abstract in the Young Cardiologists Competition.

Applications for The Best of Czech Cardiology can be entered using the short form in the section of entering abstracts. Since 2016 it is necessary to insert a pdf version of the paper registered for the competition.

Young Cardiologists Competition 

is intended for doctors up to 35 years of age. Three winning works will be announced at the CSC Gala Evening and the reward will be sponsored participation (including travel and accommodation expenses) at the ESC Congress in Paris 2019. 

The Best of Czech Cardiology

Every year, this section of the CSC Annual Congress presents the best original scientific papers of the CSC members, originated at workplaces in the Czech Republic and published in international journals with impact factor > 2.0 in the previous year. Citations for all registered papers (if they meet the conditions set below) are published in the congress program and several of the best ones (based on the IF value) are presented in a special section within the Congress. The best three papers are  awarded by the CSC Committee. Also the papers that are not selected for oral presentation are among the best what Czech cardiology has produced in the field of research.

Conditions for a paper inclusion in the section:

The assessment committee will choose the three best papers and their authors will be announced and financially awarded during the CSC Evening Gala (1st place - 50,000 Czk, 2nd place - 30,000 Czk, 3rd place - 10,000 Czk)


Further information for active participants

Based on the review proceedings, which will take place between January 12 and January 20, 2019, oral and poster presentations (doctor, nurse, and technical) will be selected. The confirmation of the abstract placement, or its rejection, will be sent to all authors by e-mail by mid-March 2019. 

The same is valid for the confirmation of presentation placement for the authors of invited presentations in the blocks of work groups/scientific societies or company symposia.

Oral presentations (doctor, nurse, technical)

languages: Czech, Slovak, English
audiovisuals: computer projections

The presentations can be sent (uploaded) in advance on the website, or it is possible to hand them in directly at the Congress. At latest 2 hours before the beginning of the block where the presentation is included, it is to be handed into the slide room (either hall A or hall E, it is not essential where the presentation will take place, the slide rooms are interconnected).

If there are video files, it is necessary to hand in the presentation 24 hours in advance (for Sunday presentations it means to send them in advance or hand them in at the registration on Saturday May 11, 2019).
If the medium is not submitted in time, the organizers are entitled to reject the presentation for technical reasons.

The presentations at all events organized by the Czech Society of Cardiology HAVE TO include a slide with the Declaration of Conflicts of Interest. A sample slide can be downloaded from the CSC website 

The computers are equipped with Microsoft Office with Power Point and Word applications. 
Pictures and figures: .jpg, .gif, .bmp.
Video files: .avi, .mpeg. Presentations: .ppt, .pptx, .pps.
Possible media:  DVD, USB Flashdisk
Projection equipment: data projector for PC

Posters (doctor and technical)

will be divided into 2 sections - Monday and Tuesday.  

The Program Committee will select one winner out of the accepted posters (based on reviews from the review proceedings), and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 14, at the CSC Gala Evening and rewarded.

A panel sized 86 x 156 cm (height x width) will be available to each poster author; the poster should be fixed by pins.

Posters will be located in hall E, 1st floor – the poster room (doctor + technical section)

Posters (health care workers)

Posters of health care workers will be installed outside Room Morava, each poster will be allotted a panel sized 86 x 156 cm.

Abstracts (short presentation summaries)

will be included in the professional program published at the CSC webpage – Program – active links to individual presentations in the program. The abstracts of presentations will be published in the virtual Book of Abstracts.


The Printed Program
Please note that the Congress participants will not obtain the PRINTED CONGRESS PROGRAM automatically; the pdf can be downloaded from the website about a month before the event, or just "My personal program" can be printed or an application can be downloaded to the mobile phone. If you are interested in getting the printed program, it is possible to order it when you register for the Congress (at 50 Czk).