Abstracts can only be entered using the online registration system - Your account,
until December 21, 2016 (extended until January 6, 2017)
CSC members will enter the abstracts using their member accounts; the others will use the accounts they have created; those entering for the first time will choose "New account -individual".
In case of any doubt, please contact the CSC secretariat (tel. 543 213 825, e-mail: cks@kardio-cz.cz).
When entering the abstracts, follow the instructions in the form; for a standard abstract, fill in the field of topic and the type of presentation (oral, poster), or that you want to enlist the abstract in the Young Cardiologists Competition.
Applications for The Best of Czech Cardiology can be entered using the short form in the section of entering abstracts. Since 2016 it is necessary to insert a pdf version of the paper registered for the competition.
is intended for doctors up to 35 years of age. Three winning works will be announced at the CSC Gala Evening and the reward will be sponsored participation (including travel and accommodation expenses) at the ESC Congress in Barcelona 2017.
Every year, this section of the CSC Annual Congress presents the best original scientific papers of the CSC members, originated at workplaces in the Czech Republic and published in international journals with impact factor > 2.0 in the previous year. Citations for all registered papers (if they meet the conditions set below) are published in the congress program and several of the best ones (based on the IF value) are presented in a special section within the Congress. The best three papers are awarded by the CSC Committee. Also the papers that are not selected for oral presentation are among the best what the Czech cardiology has produced in the field of research.
Conditions for a paper inclusion in the section:
The paper did not originate abroad (e.g. during a stay of a Czech doctor abroad).
The assessment committee will choose the three best papers and their authors will be announced and financially awarded during the CSC Evening Gala (1st place - 50,000 Czk, 2nd place - 30,000 Czk, 3rd place - 10,000 Czk)