Word of IntroductionDear colleagues and friends, This year the Czech Society of Cardiology (CSC) is organizing the 20th jubilee Annual Congress. As you surely know, the CSC is a successor of the Czechoslovakian Society of Cardiology established in 1929 by Professor Libenský and other renowned cardiologists of the period between the wars. Little known fact is that the CSC is the third oldest society of cardiology in the world. We honour the founder by annual awarding of the Gold CSC Medal (Libensky's Medal) to one of the outstanding figures from our midst for their contributions to the development of diagnostics, treatment and research into cardiovascular disorders. This year the awarded person will be prof. Roman Čerbák – the emeritus president of the Society. Moreover, on the occasion of the congress jubilee, the CSC committee decided to award the Gold Medal to a foreign expert as well – probably the most famous living cardiologist prof. Eugen Braunwald. Prof. Braunwald will come to Prague in October 2012; unfortunately, he is unable to attend the gala opening of the congress personally. Nevertheless, most of us come to the congress not for history but for news from our discipline. And there will be a lot to learn: from breakthrough drugs (especially antithrombotics), to new intervention procedures (renal denervation for hypertension, catheter treatment of valvular disorders, catheter treatment of arrhythmias, new generation of drug-eluting stents, etc.), to new procedures in cardiac surgery and intensive care. All CSC working groups cooperated creating the congress program – we hope you will enjoy it. At the general meeting of CSC members the new committee voted last year will evaluate the results of their first year – and there is plenty of news: a new form of the Cor et Vasa Journal, support for young cardiologists, a second CSC office in Prague, participation in preparations of a new attestation system, shortening of the cardiology training program from 6 to 5 years, establishing cooperation with several close professional societies (including those the CSC had not cooperated with before), acceptance of recommended procedures of the European Society of Cardiology, a new system for publishing CSC expert opinions, the prepared modernization of the CSC internal structure, and the implementation of an electronic system for CSC committee and working group committees elections. Within the Congress the CSC will also support several events beyond the exhibition grounds aimed at education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. These all should guarantee that the CSC is transforming into a society of cardiology of really European character. We have prepared a social and cultural program worthy of the 20th jubilee. We believe you will enjoy it and we wish you beautiful four days in Brno and success in applying the obtained knowledge in your professional lives. We are looking forward to meeting you at the professional events but also at the CSC Gala Evening organized in honour of the 20th jubilee on Tuesday.
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