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Vyhledávání v abstraktech



Tématický okruh: Rehabilitace v kardiologii
Typ: Ústní sdělení - lékařské , Číslo v programu: 439

Siegelová J.1, Fišer B.2, Homolka P.3, Svačinová H.3, Várnay F.3, Vank P.3, Špinarová L.4, Vítovec J.4

1 Katedra fyzioterapie a rehabilitace, Klinika tělovýchovného lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy University, Brno, 2 Fyziologický ústav, LF MU v Brně, Brno, 3 Klinika funkční diagnostiky, 4 I. interní - kardioangiologická klinika LF MU, FN u sv. Anny, Brno

Background: Cardiac component of the baroreflex is responsible for attenuation of blood pressure fluctuations in the range of frequencies 0.04 – 0.15 Hz (low frequency, LF). Deinervation of the heart in patients after orthotopic cardiac transplantation (OTC) eliminates this mechanism.
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare low frequency – blood pressure variability in patients after OTC with healthy controls.
Methods: We examined 7 patients (age 55.7±9.7 years) after 2-8 years after cardiac transplantation. ECG, blood pressure (BP) and thoracic impedance were recorded beat-by-beat during 20 minutes (Task Force Monitor, CNSystem, Austria) in supine position during spontaneous breathing and breathing controlled by metronome (5 min, 0.33 Hz).The results were compared with the examination of the group of 7 healthy subjects (C) of similar age (50.0±2.8 years).
Results: Both groups did not differ (OCT versus C, mean ± SD) in heart rate (80.4±10.8 versus 72.2± 6.9 beats/min), in systolic (119.4±11.8 vs. 124.9±11.0 mmHg) and diastolic BP (80.6±10.3 vs. 85.7±8.3 mmHg), in stroke volume index (32.6±8.9 vs. 39.9±6.6 ml/m2), in cardiac index ((2.54±0.55 vs. 2.90±0.58 l/(min.m2)) and in total peripheral resistance index (2863±552 vs. 2754±845 dyn.s.m2/cm5). On the other hand, heart rate variability spectra (ms2) was decreased in OTC ( LF heart rate variability: 8.43±12.09 vs.164.29±171, p<0.01).  No difference was seen in diastolic BP variability spectra (mmHg2): LF dBP (5.00±8.82 vs.3.10±1.94, n.s.).
Conclusion: It is concluded that LF dBP variability is unchanged in patients after OTC despite of the deinervation of the heart.
Support: MSM0021622402